How to Publish Your Events and Replays On Your Website


How to Publish an Instant Teleseminar Event on Your Website Step-By-Step

Step 1

Set up two new pages on your website, one for the live event and one for the replay, e.g., and Note that it's helpful to have a 2nd column on your live event page for displaying the Question Submission Form, otherwise the Question Submission Form will need to appear above or below the connection options iframe on your page.

Step 2

From your Scheduled Events area, click on the title of the future event you will be publishing to your website. Then, from the Event Settings area, click on link HTML Code.


Step 3

Copy the Live Event iframe code you desire and paste it into the live page you set up on your website. You can also copy the Question Submission Form if you plan to receive text questions during the live event.


NOTE: Some of the iFrames are able to be customized by picking different color options. If you select an iFrame that is customizeable you'll see its options listed on the right under Options:


Step 4

Copy the Replay iframe code and paste it into the replay page on your site. Once again you can also copy the Question Submission Form if you plan to answer questions after the event is over.


Note: You can also use one page for both the live event and the replay.  If you choose to use the same page for both, just remember to delete the live iframe code and replace it with the replay code on your website after the event is over.

Just Copy & Paste To Set Up Additional Events

Once you've set up your initial pages, it's easy to duplicate them for your future events.  Just copy and paste the entire page to your next live event page and update the event ID in the iFrame code so that it matches your next event. For example, when you set up, just change the number after eventID= for each of the elements you are publishing so that it matches the event id for your new event.



Enabled/Disabled Features

Our system allows you to either enable or disable the slides and/or chat feature in the event settings area under the link "Event Title, Slides, Chat, & Template". If you have enabled slides or chat anytime after posting the iframe to your site you will need to update that iframe with new code from the HTML Code area. The examples below show the different options you will see if you have slides or chat.


Note the Slide + Audio Replay and the Chat option under Other.



Note that you do not see the slides as part of the iframe choices and you do not see the chat option at all.  


You can see an example page with iframes in use here.

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