Help! I Can't Connect to the Conference!
If you cannot connect at all, the best solution is to try another connection method. You can connect by Web Call or Web Cast instead.
You can also try any number on our list of International Dial-in Numbers using the same host or guest PIN codes.
Since specific phone service providers might have intermittent problems, you can also try to use a phone on a different network (e.g., if Verizon won't connect, try a landline or VOIP phone).
If you still cannot connect, you might try connecting with Skype.
Sound Quality Tips
1. Use a quality landline or VOIP phone. Cell phones will work, but cell phone towers have limited bandwidth, to save on costs, cell phone companies will "squeeze" each connection as much as possible. That allows them to connect more calls to each tower, but sound quality suffers.
2. Don't use a speaker phone. Speaker phones can sound distant and create unwanted echo.
3. Don't turn your phone volume all the way up. Having a very loud phone can sound distorted to other callers and potentially create an echo.
4. Consider using a quality headset. Tip: Rick recommends a USB headset from Sennheiser.
5. Speak at a normal conversational volume. Don't shout, and don't speak too softly.
6. Slow down. When in a virtual meeting, it's more difficult for people to follow you. Enunciate your words and take a little extra time getting through your material.
Troubleshooting Sound Problems
1. Broken or digitized sound. Can indicate a weak cell phone connection, or internet problems on a VOIP phone. Typically goes away on it's own, but if not, hang up and try calling in again.
2. There's an Echo on the line. See this article on troubleshooting echoes.
3. For other sound quality issues, contact our tech support team.