Recordings: How do I edit my manual or backup recording?


Editing audios is easy; just follow the steps, below. But if you run into any roadblocks, we are happy to help you edit your audios...just contact the support team and ask for help!

For audio edits, we recommend Audacity, which is free and easy to learn how to use. However, you can use another audio editing program, such as Garageband, if you prefer.

Here's an overview of the process:

1. Download the audio file you want to edit from your account.
2. Download Audacity and install it on your computer
3. Download the LAME MP3 encoder to use with Audacity and install it on your computer
4. Import your audio file into Audacity
5. Edit your audio file
6. Upload the edited audio to your event page.

Note: If your event had slides contact support for help getting the slides adjusted to match.

Detailed Steps:

Step 1: Select the Event You Wish to Edit


Step 2: Navigate to Manage Event Recordings


Step 3: Download the Audio You Want to Edit


Step 4: Import the file into Audacity


Step 5: Edit the Audio


Step 6: Export the Audio



Step 7: Upload the Recording


Step 8: Select Which Recording Clips to Publish


Audacity Editing Tips:

The command shift-j or shift-k will select to the left or right of your curser, and then you can use the Delete key to delete the selection, or cmd-t to trim all but the selected region.

Once you have made your trims, make sure the "Project Rate" field in the lower left hand side of the page is set to 22050 Hz, and go to (File > Export). From the page that pops up, select MP3 files for the format, and then click the options button. Set the Bit rate mode to Constant, and the Quality to 24kbps.

Click OK and then select the location to save your mp3 file.

Enabling Backup Recordings Tips

Backup recordings are automatically available for 30 days after the event ends. If it's past the 30-day window, we can restore your backup recordings, just let us know your Member ID and the date and time of the event.

Backup recordings are of the audio only; there are no backups of the slides+audio sequence. If your event requires slides, they will need to be re-recorded. This is possible using the backup audio and setting up a new event to re-record the slides - please ask a support representative for more information.


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