How to Connect and Participate in the Conference (For Attendees)


This article is for event guests. If you are the event organizer, read this article instead.

When you are invited to an Instant Teleseminar event, the organizer usually sends you a link to an event page. When the event goes live, the event page will look similar to this: 

If you plan on speaking during the conference, you will need to call in by phone or connect using Web Call, since broadcast (webcast) is listen-only. All 3 options--phone, web call, and broadcast (webcast)--will display slides if they are enabled for your event.

Note that Web Call only works on FireFox or Chrome with a desktop, laptop or android device. The Broadcast (Webcast) option is listen-only, but you can still submit questions via the online question submission form that appears on the event page.

Connecting by Phone

To see the phone dialing instructions, choose the phone option. To see if there is an international number available for your country, click the link to international dial-in options. You can dial any number on the list to connect to the conference with the event's PIN.

Once connected, if you have a question, press *2 on your phone dial pad to raise your hand.

If you are having trouble connecting by phone or if you are experiencing sound quality issues, see this article on How to Troubleshoot Phone Connection Problems.

Note: If you are connected by telephone to see slides you will need to be online and at the event page, then click the Select button under the Phone option to see the slides.

Connecting by Web Call

When you select the web call option, the web call connection window will show on the event page. Enter your name and city when you connect, so that the host knows who you are:

When you launch web call, your browser may ask you for permission to access your microphone. Click 'allow' or 'always allow'. Tip: Rick recommends a USB headset from Sennheiser.

Once connected, you will see the following Web Call controls when there are no slides enabled for the event.


A: Mute/Unmute Mic: Mutes or unmutes your computer microphone. (hosts may not allow unmuting for some calls)

B. Raise/Lower Hand: Raises or lowers your hand on the Host's Control Panel.

C: Event Volume Control: Enable or disable the sound for the conference.

D: Event Volume Control: Manually adjust the volume for the conference.

E: Dial Pad: Displays a dial pad so that you can enter touch tone commands into the conference. Note: This is where you can enter a password for web call.

F: Disconnect: Disconnects you from the conference.

G: Test Microphone: Allows you to test if your microphone is connected properly and giving sound to the conference.

If you are a guest and slides are enabled you will instead see a screen similar to this though the slide will be different.


A: Mute/Unmute Mic: Mutes or unmutes your computer microphone. (hosts may not allow unmuting for some calls)

B. Dial Pad: Displays a dial pad so that you can enter touch tone commands into the conference. Note: This is where you can enter a password for web call.

C: Raise/Lower Hand: Raises or lowers your hand on the Host's Control Panel.

D: Event Volume Control: Enable or disable the sound for the conference.

E: Event Volume Control: Manually adjust the volume for the conference.

F: Disconnect: Disconnects you from the conference.

G: Test Microphone: Allows you to test if your microphone is connected properly and giving sound to the conference.

If you have problems with web call, the best option is usually to try the phone or webcast options instead, otherwise you could end up missing several minutes of your event. If you have time, you can try to troubleshoot web call

Connecting by Broadcast (Webcast)

Broadcast (Webcast) is like a radio or TV broadcast: it is listen-only. Just click the button to join. Note that if slides are being shared, it may take as many as 15 to 20 seconds for the slides to appear on your screen. 

How to Interact and Submit Questions

Note: hosts may or may not have all of these enabled, depending on the event.

1. Submit a question via the online question submission form on the event page.

2. Raise your hand to let the host know that you have a question. Press *2 on your phone dial pad, or click the "raised hands" icon on the web call interface.

3. Mute or un-mute yourself. In web call, click the microphone icon. On the phone, press *6 to mute yourself and *7 to un-mute yourself.

No Event Page? Go Here

If you did not receive an event page, your event organizer may have invited you by simply giving you an Event ID or Conference PIN number. In that case, go to the Instant Teleseminar Connect page and enter the PIN or event id there.

Tip: If your host is showing slides you will need to use the event page link, or 9 digit event id when connecting, to ensure you can see the slides online. Using just the 6 digit id will give you an audio only connection.

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